
One a Day: November 2016

One a Day: October 2016

Worth a Look: Just a few

One a Day: September 2016

Worth a Look: Christmas, Scars, Screens, and Public Shame

One a Day: August 2016

Catching my Breath

Meet Mr. Moby ~ A Review of the 2015/2016 Ford Transit Passenger Wagon from a family of 12

Worth a Look: Sunflowers, Trees, And how we can be more like Sam Gamgee

Worth a Look: Olympics, The Dance of Doing all the things, Wrestling, and Never Trust a Map

One a Day, Weeks 26-30

One a Day, Weeks 18-25

Finding my Summer Center (or not)

Worth a Look ~ the Dark Side of International Adoption, Disaster Relief Done Wrong, and

Spring Makes Me Happy (Wordless Wednesday)

7 Quicktakes about Silly Graduations, Purple Puff Balls, and Joey's Television Debut

Mother's Day Photos ~ Wordless Wednesday

12 habits that help our family of 12 run smoothly

One a Day, Weeks 12-17

Worth a Look ~ Mechanical Rabbits, Crazy things that happen in prison, hope, and must-save instructions on how to make ice

Sunday Will Come ~ Free Download!

Worth a Look ~ Wedding, Easter, and "Jennifer" Conference

One a Day, Weeks 9-11

Worth a Look ~ Epigenetics and the Science of Mothers Who Lick their Babies, A Bully, and Finding Your Way in a Faraway City

Q&A: Large Family Economy: Work Hours

Worth a Look ~ Why Dads Don't Mother, Pushing Passion on our Kids, and Mutated Genes

7 Quick Takes

One a Day, Weeks 4-8

Worth a Look ~ Giving potatoes to your enemies, three magic words, and a possible secret to longer life

Meet a M.O.M.: The Hilarious Jenny Evans

Meet a M.O.M.: The Undaunted Cheryl Savage

Meet a M.O.M.: Jaci Wightman, author of A Princess Story

Worth a look ~ 4 sets of twins, why ostriches stick their heads in the sand, and sinking ships

One a Day 2016, Weeks 1-3

What I Read and Why, Plus Favorites from 2015

My Ten Favorite Landscape Photos from 2015

Worth a Look ~ Provo City Center Temple Photo, Ann Romney, Waffle Love, and More

2015's One-a-Day project All-in-One

One a Day, Week 52