I ended up the year with 331 photos in my Lightroom One-a-Day folder. That's about 90% of the year. Not bad for a busy mom of ten. I have so enjoyed this challenge. There were many days when I just grabbed a safe or ugly shot just to do it, some days I had to pull a photo from my phone, and some days I just plain forgot to take a photo. Yet there were many other days where I saw sweet moments around me that I would otherwise not have captured on camera. It's given me a reason to persuade some of my most camera-wary children to let me take their photo ("but I need it for my one-a-day!"). It has helped me watch for and appreciate the joy and blessings in my life.
It's also been a good exercise for me, as I searched through each day's photos to decide which one was that day's best, to discover what I really like most in photos. Three themes emerged for me: Expression, Humor, and Interaction. My favorite photos from the year had at least two of the three.