One a Day: August 2016

Catching up on my one-a-day postings, one month at a time.
August was awesome!

How she can sleep like that is a mystery.

We hiked up a mountain and toured Timpanogas Cave for Harmony's birthday.  DH stayed home with the two youngest so I could go.

Birthday visit for Harmony from Grandma and Grandpa

Preschool Open House.  Not the best picture, but Cami is so thrilled that her preschool teacher is also named Cami. 

Back to School!

Joey missed the first week and a half of school because he was at Camp Rising Sun in New York.  This was the view he had from a friend's apartment the day before he flew home.

This sunflower was a volunteer in our rose garden this year.  It didn't blend in at all, but I let it grow because I love sunflowers.
