Still one of my favorite Christmas songs:
"A Hallelujah Christmas" by Cloverton from Ross Wooten on Vimeo.
I love these 25 simple suggestions on how to #LighttheWorld this Christmas.
And this video is well worth watching:
And for some non-Christmas links:
On Faith:
When God says "No" or "Wait""You know, my legs still bear the scars of the trauma from those many years ago. And, I still have doubts, I will ALWAYS have doubts - about new things and old things and the same things. Don't we all? Doubts and wonderings and "Oh, God, you haven't forgotten me, have You?"
But, when I'm doubting His goodness to me now, I cling to this promise:
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.Isaiah 43:19
I used to think this meant that God was making a way for things to work out the way I wanted. Or work out in a way that I could understand or KNOW that He actually knows what He's doing.
But, friends - when we travel down each new road He's asking us to walk - or crutching, or hobbling, or wheeling, or crawling with tears of doubt falling onto the wasteland below us - we can know that God NEVER wastes our wounds."
On Motherhood:
It's okay to let your child cry himself to sleep. Comforting news for those accused of child abuse when they try to sleep-train their child (seriously, why are women so hard on each other?).
""Parents have been told by some experts that children's stress levels will increase over time with these techniques and they will have behavioral problems, and this study shows very clearly, which I think is the first to do so, that there are no [poor] effects on children's stress levels and ... children in the intervention groups show less stress than children in the control condition," Weinraub said."
Food for thought about the dangers of screen addiction.
And finally, this is hilarious!