Worth a Look ~ Mechanical Rabbits, Crazy things that happen in prison, hope, and must-save instructions on how to make ice


On Motherhood and Mechanical Rabbits  ""Self-actualization pales in comparison to being a safe place, a source of comfort and strength, someone to whom the beloved children of the Lord can turn. Whether we women are called to give birth or not, we can become that haven—the listening ear, the purse full of tissues, the warm arms and soft shoulder of comfort. . . the essence of the Gospel is sacrifice. Motherhood is nothing more than a single, feminine word that attempts to encapsulate the essence of submission to another's needs above our own, sacrifice of what we as individuals need for the needs of others, and true discipleship. Motherhood is caretaking, being the person who cares. I have determined to use my experience of being unloved to make sure that, if I can help it, no one else need ever feel that way. That is Motherhood."

Why Did You Choose Me?  A lot to think about in this story of prison, second chances, and a prosecutor meeting with the prisoners she put behind bars.

This video about the first Easter after losing her daughter in the Sandy Hook tragedy is a must watch:

Have you seen this video from the survivor of the Brussels attack?  This Mormon missionary had been a block from the finish line Boston Marathon attack (his mom was running the race), in Paris during the attacks there, and was badly wounded in Brussels.  He describes his experience and says, "I've felt his love.  I know that if I can feel His love sitting on a sidewalk next to a destroyed airport, that God – He’ll talk to His other children too.”


One of these days, I want to get enough space cleared out in my freezer so I can do this:  31 Crockpot Freezer Meals.  The gal even includes a pdf of all the recipes with a grocery list

Made Me Laugh

This long-forgotten recipe might come in handy when your ice-maker breaks.  Don't forget to read the comments; they are classic!

And a few of my favorite photos

Spring makes me happy
