One a Day, Weeks 4-8

I've been busier than usual of late.  We're working on trying to get Benji to sleep better at night, I'm helping a friend plan a wedding next month, and just regular life with ten kids is keeping my days full.  It's a good life.

Doing yoga

Love this goofy kid!

I love all that's going on in this picture.  

6 Months Old!

Lovely winter morning

Traveling to Boise to visit my parents with six of the kids.

Meridian, Idaho temple under construction

Icy slopes on the drive home from Idaho

Getting a bit tired of winter

Happy Birthday, Cami!

She's FOUR!  We love this spunky, energetic, joyful girl.

We had just a few warm days.  So nice to be outside again.

Benji's first swimming adventure.  The girls were so excited to introduce him to the pool.
