Worth a Look: Hurricane Harvey, Eclipses, and Dangerous Smartphones

Hurricane Harvey Related:

When Disaster Relief Brings Anything But Relief  An important reminder!  What you think might be needed might be anything but.

My friend Britt, who lives in the Houston area posted this on her wall yesterday:

PLEASE do NOT donate clothes. please if you are sending a truck or organizing such...TAKE THE CLOTHES OFF THE TRUCK. I have spent 6+ hours sorting heaps of clothes that I'm sure 90% of which will have to be ...donated? or..something. I'm not sure what'll become of it all. Then...yesterday there was a full box of unmatched socks. a HUGE box. sigh. Ain't nobody got time for that. I don't even know of a shelter or organization that is accepting clothing any more. and if and when a person needs clothes..they only take a few things. How many clothes could you manage carrying? How much would fit in a hotel comfortably? how much would FIT in your car?
No stuffed animals. just please. 
Honestly money. a lowes or home depot card to fix their home . a target or walmart card. needs are so specific and time is better spent else where then sorting through donations.
canned food MAY be helpful IF AND ONLY IF you have a can opener. and think which cupboard your pots are in? are they low? ya. people don't have pots. if you're living in a hotel...what are you going to do with chili? do you have a bowl?
Give the clothes to your local salvation army. give your canned food to your local food pantry. If you are feeling a need to help...DO IT! LOCALLY!! if you can, send money to Beaumont or Rockport, or Orange or or Corpus, or Galvaston or Houston through a reputable charity or church. We LOVE that people want to help and love us. REALLY. but DON'T be that person.
7 Ways You Can Help with Hurricane Harvey Relief  And here's what is really needed.

And for a little context on how/why this happened:

Houston, Hurricanes and History

Solar Eclipse:

I know this is now last week's news, but someday, I'll get around to editing the bazillions of pictures I took of totality and then I'll post them.  I drove up to Idaho with 6 of my kids to enjoy it.  This is the best video I've seen to describe what totality is like.  It points out that even a 99% eclipse is 10,000x brighter than totality!


Absolutely everything is wrong with this Indiana house

Interesting articles on how smartphones and technology may be ruining our kids:

Have smartphones destroyed a generation?

The Ipad is a far greater threat to our children than anyone realizes


Anne Marie said…
I really appreciate the articles you've linked to here. Fascinating. Thank you always for sharing your wisdom.