Two Little Girls (Wordless Wednesday)

Our lives are blessed by little girls. Today I want to focus on the two youngest.
Here's Harmony showing her daddy she's SO big.
She's at a wonderful age in her life. She finds happiness in everything and brings joy to everyone. I've been taking the little girls outside in the afternoons to wait for the bigger kids to walk home. They come around the corner and RUN to give Harmony a hug.
Wouldn't you?
Harmony's favorite thing in the world is our baby. She never loses interest in asking to "'old er."
Katie seems to enjoy it too.
Katie is a friendly, happy soul with a smile and grin for anyone. She's a little goofy looking, with a smile too big for her face and her huge storkbite birthmark. She has these gorgeous, penetrating big eyes.
I often tell Katie how lucky we are that she came to our family. "What would we do without you?" I'll ask her and even if there is a teeny little cynical voice in my head that says "you'd get a lot more sleep," it is drowned out by the joy of knowing this unique little daughter of God. It is a privilege to be her mother and I'm happy.


bjahlstrom said…
I love reading your blog. Those girls are gorgeous.
Shauna said…
So precious!!! I am new here! Just wanted to say hi :)
Shauna from
What darling pictures!! And what very cute little girls. And yes, I would want to hug harmony too!!
Cynthia said…
They really are happy, sweet little girls!
Dana said…
Your photos are looking great!
Rachel Keppner said…

I just saw your twin girls' picture on the group on Facebook! I was so excited! Here's the link it sent me to(Though you probably already have it!)--

So exciting! How did they decide to use your photo?
