Days like this . . . (Wordless Wednesday)

Make me thankful we have two dishwashers! Ah, the wonderful things you get to do when you build your own house.


Laura Lynn said…
Two - sweet! I could use that right about now. I'm seriously considering adding another washer and dryer too!
Amber said…
I'm pretty sure my kitchen looks much worse than that right now!! Oh well-- this is life with 5 kids and newborn twins!!
alligood said…
I am hoping to put in a 2nd dishwasher. Someday....... We have space for two washers and dryers, but what I need every single day is a 2nd dishwasher. I love to cook and refuse to use paper plates (I know some big families who only use paper because the dishes become too overwhelming with so many mouths to feed). I am jealous! My kitchen counter looks like yours right now. I wasn't feeling well last night (sinus infection) so I didn't do my dishes and went to bed early. I am still not feeling great this morning but am seriously regretting leaving the dishes!