Four Weeks . . .

That's about all we've got left before we have to move. We'll be homeless for probably 4 to 6 weeks, but our new house is finally being worked on (see?). It's so exciting to drive by and see the changes -- the framers are working fast. Roof trusses should go on tomorrow or Wednesday. I hope to take the kids over to watch the crane. In the meantime, we are enjoying our current home as much as possible -- we've been out wading and floating in the river nearly every day for a month. Allison loves the water, but Sarah prefers the safety of the wading pool in the yard.

With four weeks to go, I've set several goals for myself -- besides keeping up with the kids and dressing the babes ten times a day (they are in a stripping stage, and we've had to put packing tape on their diapers to keep from shocking scenes like the one below).

Goal #1 Pack one box a day for the next three weeks.

Goal #2 Catch up on my family's scrapbooking. I've been neglecting this lately, and there probably won't be much time for scrapbooking once we've moved. I'd like to get one two-page layout done every day for the next two weeks and see if that gets me caught up.

Goal #3 Design, Design, Design. I've been feeling in such a creative mood lately; I've got a bunch of stuff in the works that I want to finish up. I'd like to get my Grubbies 1 & 2 CDs up at SBE as soon, finish a Canadian Day kit I've started, and do some more updates to some of my older kits. Wish me luck. =)


Katie said…
Love the nakey twin pictures! It's a crazy time toddlerhood is, especially times two! Good luck with your goals!