I will take time later in the week to write my own thoughts about the reading this week (Matthew 10-12, Mark 2, Luke 7 and 11). For now, this is what I prepared for my family for our study next Sunday. Each section below will be given to a different family member to read and present on. I hope it might be useful for your own or your family's study.
The Calling and Commissioning of the Twelve.
Read Matthew 9:36-38 and Matthew chapter 10.
How is Christ calling and preparing the Twelve to be laborers in his vineyard?
Consider these questions:
· In verse 1, what power did Christ give to the Twelve?
· In verses 5-8, What were the Twelve to do with their power? What does it mean when it says “freely ye have received, freely give.”? How does that apply to you and to our family?
· Compare the counsel given in verses 9-11 with Luke 22:35-36. What do we learn from these different instructions about the way Christ gives counsel? Why do you think Christ asked his disciples to go without purse or scrip in the beginning and then later gave different instructions?
· What does Christ counsel his Apostles to do in response to persecution in verses 17-20?
· What does verse 39 mean to you? How can we follow that counsel today?
Response to Opposition
Read Matthew 11:16-19, 12:22-32, Luke 7:31-35, Luke 11:14-26, and Luke 11:37-54, How does Christ respond to opposition? What condemnation does he give to the Pharisees? What condemnation do you think He would give to us today?
· In Matthew 11:16-19 and Luke 7:31-35, what is Christ teaching about the different responses to Him and to John? What is it that makes some people criticize others no matter what?
· In Matthew 12:22-32 (see also Luke 11:14-26), how do the Pharisees explain away Christ’s miracles of casting out devils? What does it mean to have a kingdom divided against itself and how does this apply to both the casting out of devils and to the sin against the Holy Ghost?
· In Luke 11:37-54 why is Christ talking about outward and inward parts? The Pharisees keep some of the commandments while neglecting others. If Christ were to come today and give similar words to our culture, what do you think he would say? What do we think we do well at and what are we neglecting to do?
Sabbath Day
Read Matthew 12:1-14 What principles does Christ teach about the Sabbath in these verses? What is your reaction to the way the Pharisees feel about the Sabbath and what Christ does on it? In what ways could we today be like the Pharisees who watch Christ only to find ways to criticize him? What principles are involved in proper Sabbath Day worship?
Beautiful Words of Wisdom
Read Mathew 11:28-30. Consider this from the manual: “We all carry burdens—some resulting from our own sins and mistakes, some caused by the choices of others, and some that are nobody’s fault but are simply part of life on earth. Regardless of the reasons for our struggles, Jesus pleads with us to come unto Him so He can help us bear our burdens and find relief (see also Mosiah 24). Elder David A. Bednar taught, “Making and keeping sacred covenants yokes us to and with the Lord Jesus Christ” (“Bear Up Their Burdens with Ease,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 88). With this in mind, ponder questions like the following to better understand the Savior’s words in these verses: “How do my covenants yoke me to and with the Savior?” “What do I need to do to come unto Christ?” or “In what sense is the Savior’s yoke easy and His burden light?””
Read Matthew 12:33-37. What do you learn from these verses? How can we fill our heart with good treasures?
Read Mark 2:18-22 What is Christ’s response to questions about fasting between his and John’s disciples? What does this teach about times and seasons in our lives?
Raising of the Widow's Son
Read Luke 7:11-17. What can we learn about Christ from this story?
Read 1 Kings 17 What parallels does this story have to Elijah and the widow? What principles about faith can we learn from these two stories?
A Woman with a Jar of Ointment and the Parable of the Grateful Debtors
Read Luke 7:36-50. What do you learn about the Savior from this story and this parable? How can we increase our love for Heavenly Father and recognize and be grateful for the things that He gives to us?
The Parable of the man responding to his friend's request
Read Luke 11:5-13. What is Christ teaching about prayer from this story? Why did the man in the story answer his friends’ request? How can we gain more confidence that God will answer our prayers?