Current Affairs:
This is Why I Don't Like Planned Parenthood
Four Reasons Why I'm Not Boycotting the Forty Companies on that List
Why We Feel Better if We Care About Cecil the Lion
In Zimbabwe, We Don't Cry for Lions I personally have a hard time seeing how hunting a lion in Africa is worthy of being a hobby or how someone can get a thrill from killing something. However, I also think the internet lynch mob calling for human blood is more frightening.
14 Things Everyone Should Understand about Guns I'm not a huge fan of guns in general, but I found this educational and interesting, and I learned things I didn't know.
32 Maps to Teach You Something About the World
Live Webcam to watch bears catch Salmon in Alaska (pretty awesome!)
Travel Photography in Myanmar
Seeing Chicago Above the Clouds
Five Incredible Storm Photographer's Best Images
10-20-30 Interval Plan
Made Me Laugh:
11 Comics about Kids' Plugged-In Lives
This is Why I Don't Like Planned Parenthood
Four Reasons Why I'm Not Boycotting the Forty Companies on that List
Why We Feel Better if We Care About Cecil the Lion
In Zimbabwe, We Don't Cry for Lions I personally have a hard time seeing how hunting a lion in Africa is worthy of being a hobby or how someone can get a thrill from killing something. However, I also think the internet lynch mob calling for human blood is more frightening.
14 Things Everyone Should Understand about Guns I'm not a huge fan of guns in general, but I found this educational and interesting, and I learned things I didn't know.
32 Maps to Teach You Something About the World
Live Webcam to watch bears catch Salmon in Alaska (pretty awesome!)
Travel Photography in Myanmar
Seeing Chicago Above the Clouds
Five Incredible Storm Photographer's Best Images
10-20-30 Interval Plan
Made Me Laugh:
11 Comics about Kids' Plugged-In Lives