One a Day, Weeks Twenty-four and Twenty-five

She loves my kindle

Earning work hours by washing out all our cupboards

Headed to the pool

Harmony and Katie with friend Lollie

Seven adorable kids ages nine and under -- I remember those days and am glad to be at my stage instead of my friend's.  :)


Joey can be a great sport

Sarah loves inviting Cami to color and play on her top bunk bed.  Cami came to me crying the other day, "I'm sad.  I need to go on Sarah's bed."  I called Sarah and she made it happen.

Stake 5K (couldn't find Lillian and Allison for this photo)

Happy Father's Day from all seven girls!

Swimming lessons week

Headed off to California to climb Mount Whitney -- good luck!


Jenny Evans said…
Tell us more about "earning work hours!" I love the creative systems you devise for conquering chores in your home. We implemented 5 Minute Madness this summer to keep the house clean and so far it's working (except the kids all groan and call it 5 Minute Sadness.)