Halloween, Halloween, How I love thee (Nearly Wordless Wednesday)

I love celebrating Halloween with my family.  We don't go crazy planning costumes (though I used to sew and even made several years worth of costumes before my twins arrived).  We simply pull out our Halloween bins and let the kids go at it.  We've got a huge supply of costumes, particularly for the 0-5 crowd, so there's never a shortage.

Only thing I bought this year was headband with cat ears on them and a black cape.  'Cause you can never have enough black capes around.

Our festivities included several hours of trick-or-treating downtown, a trunk-or-treat, and, for a few of the kids, canvasing the neighborhood.

I love doing the downtown thing in the afternoon.  It wears the kids out while it's still light and relatively warm, plus the photos are always better than when it's dark.  Joey didn't want to go with us this year, but Lillian went along to help with Cami.

This is the first year I've done Halloween without a stroller.  WITHOUT A STROLLER!  Can it be my kids are growing up?  You have to understand that up until two years ago, we didn't even own a stroller made for just one child -- double strollers were my world.  So to be free to simply carry a camera and watch my children's delight?  Liberating.

Excellent Photobombing Techniques

After all that, we ended up with 37 pounds of candy.  Only 37 this year.  Last year, we had 42 lbs.  I blame Joey.  How dare he grow up and diminish our total haul!

The kids are allowed to eat all they want the day of Halloween, then we keep the rest of the candy to distribute for lunch snacks and special occasions and the occasionally needed bribe.  Last year, I think it lasted six months.
