Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Light: Setting up a Studio

When we finished our upstairs last summer, one room became my sewing, craft, and photography studio.  I've done a lot of newborn and baby photos there and I've loved it, but it's been a slow process getting the things I'll need to turn it into a full-on portrait studio.  I've been mostly using natural light, with one flash as fill light when needed.

This summer, though, I found some great deal on some more studio equipment.  I bought some light modifiers, triggers and flashes.  At a gathering with some other photographers, a gal who was closing her studio gave out a lot of her extras.  I acquired a huge, crumpled canvas.  Two hours of ironing later, I was able to hang it on my wall and it's been fun to play with.  I've also ordered some other backdrops that should come in the mail soon.

Here's what my studio looked like this morning.  Eventually, I'll get it more organized.
This is the scene looking from the doorway. I keep blankets and props in the big drawers off to the left, and use the ottoman as a baby holder.  Then you see my canvas hung on the wall, my lights, and a little heater to make it toasty warm when newborns visit.

This is looking from the opposite wall.  I love my chest -- it's been in our family for several generations.  You can also see my small little sewing nook, with my sewing machine cabinet and notions drawers.  I used to love sewing, especially quilting, and even made almost all of Lillian's dresses up until she was five years old. She turned five about the same time the twins were born, and somehow, sewing became less important over the next decade.  

And this is the closet.  My photography equipment is on the left, then sewing and crafting supplies are on the right.

To practice my new set-up, I borrowed a couple of cuties.

They were more than willing.

Then I had my first shoot using my new lights.  It was the perfect newborn session -- sleepy baby, beautiful mom, lots of fun.

And to try out a few other things, Allison was more than willing to pose for me.

I'm excited to master another aspect of photography.  I enjoy the challenge and creativity.
