Learning Websites for Kids (Friday Favorites)

I seem to recall I used to blog regularly once upon a time.  Somehow, it's been squeezed out of my life and seeing as it's May, it's not likely to get squeezed back in very soon.  May is the month of crazy big-family busy-ness.  Every activity my children are involved in has their final event, the teachers are hosting Mother Goose Days, Greek Plays, Utah Programs, kindergarten and preschool graduations and field trips, we've celebrated three birthdays and an anniversary, I've been to the doctor or orthodontist about five times (Michael and Lillian now have braces along with Joey), and I keep adding more things to my crazy schedule.

This is also the time of year for getting the sprinklers working, the yard in order, and the garden planted.  I also ran my first half marathon and did a few photo shoots. May is just crazy (did I say that already?).

In the midst of all the busy-ness, it's that time of year for me to develop a plan for our family's summer -- I organize it in advance so everyone knows what's expected, we have a good balance of structure and free time, educational activities and adventures, chores and play.  As part of this, I want to spend a few hours a week having my kids work on academics.  I asked some friends to recommend good learning resources and here is the list they came up with:

*  Three said they love, love, love Khan Academy.  

*  Enchanted Learning has printables for all sorts of subjects and levels.  It's $20/year for full access, which compared to the cost of workbooks is quite reasonable.

* One friend suggested getting my older kids into family history indexing -- I love that idea!

*  For my child who struggles with handwriting, a friend recommended Handwriting Without Tears (also found on Amazon)

* Adaptedmind is great for math.  Jennette says, " It "adapts" with your child's skills, spending more time on what they're weak at, less on what their good at. Then it progresses as they do. You also always have the option of the selecting lessons manually from the menu. There are a lot of built in incentives for progress, and each lesson has brief, taylored instructional videos if you need extra help. It's $10 a month for up to 5 users, I think."

Another friend posted this graphic.  I've put links below it to each site.


Kelly said…
superteacherworksheets.com is about $20 a year and worth every penny. I use it several days a week in my second grade classroom. It ranges from preK - 3/4 grade.
Brittany said…
I don't know what kind of handwriting trouble your child is having, but mine has been struggling with some letter and number reversals. I found these workbooks for the summer that target that issue and look really promising to me. If the problem is similar, you may want to check them out. http://www.goodsensorylearning.com/reversing-reversals.html