Our family loves the beach. Allison and Sarah comb the rocky areas for crabs while Joey dives right into the waves and gets soaking wet, no matter what the weather or what he's wearing. Lillian favors finding a quiet spot to read, while Katie and Harmony let the waves tickle their feet. Cami loves to be a part of it all.
I got to spend hours in Fantasyland with the littlest three while DH took the biggest six on more wild rides.
There was a kind couple there on our last day who let Joey use their paddle board. He had a great time.
I turned around and Katie had decided to strip to the buff.
Disneyland was also a big hit.
This is always happening to Cami -- Asian tourists can't resist her blue eyes and quick smile.
I got to spend hours in Fantasyland with the littlest three while DH took the biggest six on more wild rides.