Moments in May (Wordless Wednesday)

I braced myself for another busy May (May and December are the craziest months if you have kids who are school-age), but I was bombarded more than usual this time.  We had a great month, though:  two track meets (Joey got a personal best in the 800 and 400 at his last meet and will be going to district in the 800), one school play (Twelfth Night -- very well-done and time-consuming for Lillian), three birthdays to celebrate (Lillian's is technically at the end of April but she's now an official teenager, Michael turned 10 and Katie turned 2), an early-birthday party we hosted for Allison and Sarah who wanted to celebrate with their school friends before the year let out, a huge BBQ hosted in our backyard, my parents in town, Cami's baby blessing (such a beautiful day), going solo while my husband was out of town, and more.

I'm glad I got some photos to remember these times.

Cami's Baby Blessing

Isn't she a doll?  She's 3.5 months now, rolling over, and starting to scoot!

Michael's TEN!

 Hawaiian Luau Early Birthday Party

 Enjoying lots of critters, both the fuzzy and the not-so-fuzzy kind

And somehow, I managed to continue training for a half marathon and even lost another six pounds.

Thank you, May, for all you've given me and taught me.  And June, please be gentle with me.  I think I need a slightly slower pace, okay?


Rachel Keppner said…
WHEW! I got tired just reading about your busy May. :) I'm glad things are slowing down for you. It sounds like you have a wonderful summer before you.
Tiffany Wacaser said…
Happy May! And congratulations on all those good things!
Maryanne said…
May has been busy here too! I know what you mean and we didn't pack in all of that. You look great (has anyone ever told you that you look like princess Leia?-- I mean that as a compliment, I hope you don't dislike her!)
Stef said…
I hear ya with the end of May. Busy busy busy! Your family is beautiful.
Unknown said…
Another survivor! For me the months are May and Sept. We have a family farm that our kids helped out on a lot! So when it was time to start farming, or finish farming and school was going on it was CrAZy. Bless you for all you are doing :)
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