Here's a question for you and your friends who also have big families: Have you suffered any long-term/permanent physical problems because of so many pregnancies?I myself have been very blessed with healthy pregnancies and if I were to answer this on my own, I'd probably say something like this:
Nope! Not unless you count a stomach full of stretch marks and the extra weight I've got hanging around. The stretch marks are definitely tied to the number of pregnancies, but that extra weight would probably have accumulated anyway because I like to eat.But I was grateful to receive this question because I was curious what my friends' experiences have been with their multitude of pregnancies. First, I should post a disclaimer. There are health problems that prevent women from conceiving and carrying a child to term. By virtue of the fact that all the women in my group have six or more children, we have largely avoided these problems. The gals who helped me answer this question are a unique group who have been able to have lots of children. That's not always the case with everyone, and we all want to be careful to note that just because we've been blessed to avoid any permanent health problems does not mean that will be true for all women. In the course of our discussion the following points were brought up:
1. Our society views pregnancy as a medical condition or something that takes away from good health rather than as a natural, normal part of life. Hence, contraception is considered preventative care. All you have to do is read the comments on any newspaper article about Michelle Duggar to get a sometimes vulgar taste of this view. Since there are fewer and fewer women having lots of children -- .5 percent of women had seven or more children according to the last census -- multiple pregnancies are seen as unusual and scary. My friend Amy had this to say to counter this perspective: "One thing that annoys me, though, is the way society believes that bodies aren't made to have babies (or at least more than a couple). For some reason, exercising your muscles by using them makes them stronger, but exercising your fertility makes you 'weaker?' This hasn't been my experience at all. "
2. There are many positive health benefits to multiple children. I was surprised as I did research just how many documented, scientific benefits there are to having more children:
- More children born means less breast cancer. Studies have shown that each birth to a woman reduces that woman's chance of developing breast cancer by seven percent. In fact, if women in the developed world had as many children as those in the developing world, the breast cancer rate would be cut in half. (source)
- Women with more children live longer. A study done in Australia showed that "women with six or more children were about 40 per cent less likely to die during the 16-year follow-up than women with no children" It also showed that the more children a woman had, the less likely she was to die. "Compared with women who had no children, those with two had a 17 per cent decreased risk of death. For women with three children there was a 20 per cent decreased risk, and this pattern largely continued with additional children." (source)
- Research shows that fetal cells from each child remain in the mother and may spur healing. It's new and it's intriguing:
In what any ethicist might declare to be legitimate ‘embryonic stem cell therapy,’ the baby’s fetal stem cells migrate to the mother’s injured sites and offer themselves as a healing remedy, becoming part of the mother’s very body. Pinctott writes that such cells have been found in “diseased thyroid and liver tissue and have turned themselves into thyroid and liver cells respectively.”
Pinctott calls the evidence “striking” that a baby’s fetal cells “repair and rejuvenate moms.”
Genetics specialist Dr. Kirby Johnson of Tufts Medical Center, Boston, and professor Carol Artlett, a researcher at Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University, back up Pinctott’s ideas. Their research shows that when a woman becomes pregnant she acquires an army of protective cells - what might be called a gift from her child - that remains with her for decades, perhaps till the end of her life.
Johnson and Artlett spoke to NPR’s Robert Krulwich in a 2006 interview. In their research, Johnson found that a teaspoon of blood from a pregnant mother contained “dozens, perhaps even hundreds of cells… from the baby.” Science has shown that at the end of a mother’s pregnancy, up to 6 percent of the DNA in her blood plasma comes from her baby. (source)
- I was glucose intolerant with the first three kids, full blown gestational diabetes with the last two, of which I needed to use insulin with the last. So far had it has gone away after the baby is born, but I'm more predisposed to develop regular diabetes some time in my life. In my mind, however, I was born with a higher risk, since diabetes runs in both sides of my family and I think pregnancy just uncovered that risk.
- Yes, but I've had poor health most of my life anyway, so I don't think my answer is a fair contribution to this poll.
- For me, I feel like the older I get, the harder pregnancy is on my body. Towards the end of my 5th pregnancy I had some pretty significant vision changes, and although it improved a bit after delivery it has been debilitating. With pregnancy #6 I again had even more problems with the same thing. My baby is now 10 months old and, unfortunately not much has changed or improved either.
- Varicose veins. One mother expecting #10 says, "I have varicose veins but they started up part way into my 2nd pregnancy and by my fourth were about as bad as they are now so even if I had stopped after only a few kids I'd still have them. "
- Stretch marks (though at least one of us has none -- wow!)
- Low Iron
- Thyroid Issues
- Incontinence during pregnancy when laughing or sneezing
- Extra weight and more belly fat
- Pregnancy mask (brown splotchy marks on the face from hormones and the sun)
- Gestational Diabetes (just a few mentioned this)
- Sacroiliac Joint Disfunction (one person had this)
- Tiredness and difficulty sleeping during pregnancy (you think?)
Pregnancy over age 30 is harder for ANYONE, whether they've had two babies or ten. Having been pregnant at age 19 with my first, and now pregnant with my twelfth at age 37, I can attest to this! But interestingly enough, my births have gotten easier. Experience really does help in that department! LOL!
Oh, and as a side note, every time I have a baby, my eyesight improves. It baffles my eye doctor, but it makes me happy! :-D
My health has improved, and I've been blessed to avoid most of even the common pregnancy issues that many women encounter-even when they only have one or two.
My labors/deliveries haven't gotten progressively easier, they are still all over the place, just as varied as the babies the come from each of them. :) I'm due for an easy one this time around so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. lol
Very cool studies!
I love being pregnant, though --even with the "difficulty" of it all. Being pregnant multiple times has taught me more about my body and my reactions to environmental factors than anything else, though. The more kids I have, the better I get at taking care of myself (I loved that you mentioned that!) and the more I read/learn to make sure I am taking care of myself.
The stretch marks are beauty marks to me! The warped/deformed ribs give my asthmatic lungs more room to breathe (I assume!). And awesomely, with each kid, I've needed less stitching after birth (to where the last two I didn't have any and only tore a smidgen).
All in all, having a lot of kids hasn't hurt my health at all, I believe.
I had my first three children in a short period of time while in my 20's. Then I was diagnosed with lupus. My subsequent three pregnancies were much more complicated and one ended in miscarriage. My fifth pregnancy was the most difficult with several serious health things cropping up. However, I've been blessed to be healthy following the births. And I would agree, that, for the most part, my deliveries have been much easier.
I hope to be able to have another baby in a couple of years, and many of the thoughts expressed have been insightful.
I'm also becoming less convinced of the "35 years old" rule that women are too old or "risky" to have kids at that point. I think maybe I feel like the Lord has timing for our kids to come to the earth and maybe that means some pregnancies in our older ages. Pres. Monson's mom had his little sister when she was 48.
I hope one day I can have more children too.
Aiko Dumas
I believe the study you refer to is referencing a different kind of "multiple" births -- what is often referred to as higher order births; that is, twins, triplets or higher. I am well acquainted with the studies on such births (I read dozens of books on the subject when I was pregnant with my own twins) and you are right. Half of twins and other multiples are born early and there can be devastating problems with very premature births. In what I've written in this post, however, I am referring to multiple births as in multiple single births. As far as I know, there are no increased risks of premature birth in these cases, except what would be normal for those in special categories, such as older mothers or those with pregnancy complications.