We've been feeling a little cramped around our old dining table, designed to seat 8, now that we have ten eating at the table. We've talked for years about how to find a table that would suit our needs and decided that my husband would build one.
Last fall, we bought two pedestals on Ebay for an amazing steal (the guy only made $10 on each of them after he paid for shipping), and this past month, this is what my husband created for our family:
It's actually two tables hooked together. Each square table seats eight, and pushed together, they seat 12 or more comfortably. When we have guests or want more flexibility, we can unhook the two tables and seat four more people.
I'm loving the table! I love that it has a mixture of both dark and light wood. It ties the maple we have in the kitchen with the cherry we have in the neighboring great room, and gives us the flexibility to switch to another chair color or style later on if we like.
I had the same idea a couple of years back. A friend of mine who has 8 children has two bar height, 8 person, square tables that they keep together normally, but seperate when they have missionaries or other guests over. Ever since then, that's what I've wanted. We currently have a table that extends to 12, but being able to pull the tables apart and not have to worry about adding leaves to it would be helpful.
We just had to expand as well. For a good year we've been pushing two computer chairs up to our table that sat four. I kept trying to save for a new table and things just came up. Finally we found a great table at a yard sale that comfortably seats six, and was a great deal. A small thing for sure, but still an answered prayer.