California Daddy Trip (Wordless Wednesday)

When Cami was eleven days old, DH took the six oldest kids to California for eight lovely days. I stayed home with Harmony, Katie, and Cami and thoroughly enjoyed a restful week. It's interesting how life with lots of kids changes your capacity and your perspective. I think if DH had proposed leaving me alone with three kids just after our third was born, I would have taken off his head. But this trip was taken with my consent and encouragement. DH saw to it that the house was clean before he left, and it stayed that way. I ran the dishwasher twice and enjoyed the break from my regular responsibilities. The main reason for the trip was to visit my husband's grandma, who was celebrating her 90th birthday:
but they also spent a generous amount of time at the beach:
Katie told me at least ten times a day, "Daddy gone. Daddy gone." The homecoming was so sweet, as she and Harmony gave all their siblings and their dad a hero's welcome. Here's Harmony talking to her dad on the phone the day before he returned:


I have always thought your husband is amazing!! I am pretty sure my husband never would have been able to manage that. It looks like they all had a great time. I am glad you enjoyed yourself as well.
John said…
Love the pictures! And is sure is funny how your perspective changes.
Wow! That does look like an amazing time! So glad you were able to have a bit of relaxing with the younger ones.
KAM Chapman said…
So glad they were able to go out! I want to take our crew out to see her this summer too. Glad you got your break time for a bit. It's funny that alone with TWO kids can be a scary thing at one stage and a lovely light break at another stage of mothering! :)
KAM Chapman said…
So glad they were able to go out! I want to take our crew out to see her this summer too. Glad you got your break time for a bit. It's funny that alone with TWO kids can be a scary thing at one stage and a lovely light break at another stage of mothering! :)
KAM Chapman said…
Blast! I forgot one of my main reasons to throw out a comment was to congratulate you on your baby. Congratulation!!!