Little Girls Dressed up for the Library and Preschool Parties
Lillian cooking up Ghoulish Goodies
Dressed up for School Parties (our school has a dumb "curriculum-based" costume rule, but luckily it wasn't too hard to fit the themes this year -- Mystery Book Character, Peter Pan, Book Character). Sarah was Wendy and Allison was a Pirate:
And Halloween itself. We love that our town has trick-or-treating downtown so we can go out when the weather's warmer and it's still light. The older kids also do the neighborhood.
There has got to be SOME good in Skeletor -- after all, he's a BYU fan!
I love that Harmony is such a generous soul. When trick-or-treaters started knocking on our door, she ran to get her own candy bin and started passing out her own candy!
I didn't take a picture of all the candy, but it was an obscene amount. Lillian weighed it and let's just say it was well over 20 lbs. In our family, we let the kids eat a ton on Halloween itself, then the rest is put into a bin for the whole family to use as incentives/bribes, lunch treats, and the like.
One thing that's great about having so many Halloween hand-me-downs (many of them I sewed myself back when I had time for that) is that the youngest kids have plenty of costumes to choose from. At various times this week, Harmony was a super-hero, a princess, a dog, a bear, and a rooster.