Overpopulation Myths (Friday Favorites)

I think these videos are very well done, and if you go to the site that produces them, they back up all their statements with research and facts.

Some other interesting articles about the troubles with declining birthrates around the world, along with a few telling quotes:

Where Have All the Children Gone? Number of Children Declining Across the Country
This article includes these facts:
* According to the 2010 Census, "95 percent of U.S. counties have fewer children today than they did in 2000."
*"It's more common to have a dog (43 million homes) than a child under 18 (38 million)."

Low Birth Rate Has Economic Consequences
* "With above replacement fertility for 150 years, many programs were instituted that worked well in growing populations, including pay-as-you-go Social Security and Medicare, he said. “Basically both of these systems tax the young to pay for the old,” Becker said. “But it’s getting harder and harder to do that. For example, Japan is facing a real problem. The population is getting older and there are fewer young people. Germany, Russia, and a number of other countries are facing this problem, as well.”"

Population Implosion? Low Fertility and Policy Responses in the European Union
* "At the same time, low fertility is accelerating the ageing of European populations. As a region, Europe in 2000 had the highest percentage of people age 65 or older — 15 percent. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of the Census, this percentage is expected to nearly double by 2050.[1] These demographic trends portend difficult times ahead for European economies. For example, a shrinking workforce can reduce productivity. At the same time, the growing proportion of elderly individuals threatens the solvency of pension and social insurance systems. As household sizes decrease, the ability to care for the elderly diminishes. Meanwhile, elderly people face growing health care needs and costs."

Demographic Winter more Certain than Global Warming
* "If you have contracting economies, what does this say about our future ability to pay for a baby boom generation coming into its senior years, soon to leave the workforce and needing support? What does it say about our future ability to pay down our current huge budget deficits? The engines of commerce will be strained as the workers of today fail to replace themselves, the consumer base shrivels, and you have fewer innovators."


John said…
I saw those videos yesterday. They were really good. It really is scary. I have now found a good response to people criticizing my large family is to say, "I am just thinking of you, and making sure their will be people to pay for your social security."

My kids would really like to see your kids again. Do you have a day off from school sometime with nothing better to do than to have friends come and play. Maybe I can even bring a craft or something fun to do.
Stacey said…
Wonderful information here. I wish more people would pay attention to these statistics.
Rachel Keppner said…
This is SUCH an important issue! Thanks for blogging about it today. I also shared the Deseret News article on my blog, thanks to your post.

We must do ALL WE CAN to educate people on this important trend! (I'd say you and I-- not just on our blogs, but on our family size *grin*-- are doing all we can! ;-D

Claire said…
My husband and I were just talking about this the other day. I feel like our four little ones are an investment in the future! Not to mention larger families are often more "green" than other families out of neccesity.