My next long run . . .

has been in progress all summer long:

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

I even designed a race shirt around it (though the price to order the shirt was so expensive, I think I'll be pulling out the Sharpies instead):

We're excited.

And yes, I am still hoping to successfully complete THIS long run as well:

I WAS excited about that one too, at least until my 21-miler on Friday. Now, I'm wondering whose brilliant idea it was to make marathons 26.2 miles? And whose brilliant idea was it to sign up for one?


Julie said…
How exciting! Congratulations to you! And wow with running a marathon pregnant!!
Congratulations and good luck with everything. I can't wait to hear about the marathon!! Cute shirt.
Cheryl said…
Yay! Congratulations! Hahaha-- you are further along than I am! :)
Corri said…
Hooray! How exciting.

And I definitely think that you need to buy that shirt!
Maryanne said…
Congratulations! I'm really impressed that you've been keeping up with your running at the same time!
Amber said…
Congratulations!! I'm happy for you. I could never keep exercising during that 1st trimester- so good job- the worst part's pretty much over!! Very impressive!
DinaJ said…
Congratulations! Have you ran that marathon by your Dr? ;) (Pun intended)
Corine Moore said…
Yeah! :D And Congratulations again!!!! I never ran during my pregnancy's (because I just started running for the first time in my life a few months ago) but I did ride bikes while pregnant and it made for nice easy, and quick deliveries. :D I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU and your healthy baby!
Corine :D
Handsfullmom said…
Thanks, everyone! Dina, yes, my doctor has run four marathons herself and is fully aware of my plans. She feels much better about the Mesa Falls at 15 weeks than she did about the St. George at 20, and with the understanding that I'm taking proper precautions not to get overheated or dehydrated, and that I'm slowing down deliberately, she's supportive.
John said…
Wow!! Congratulations!! And still do the marathon. That is awesome. We should come up and see you before the summers end. Can you fit us in some morning or afternoon?
Congratulations!!! What truly wonderful news - we are so excited for you guys! And I am truly in awe of your dedication to a marathon - my lifetime goal lies in a downhill half marathon that I can just roll down if I get too tired... :) Dana just ran a marathon in Kansas a couple of months ago. You guys are truly my heroes!!
Anonymous said…
21 miles? Are you for REAL??? Wow, girl! You go!!! That's amazing.
Love the t-shirt!
Lana said…
congrats!!!! I am absolutely thrilled for you and your family!!
kacy faulconer said…
It's about time. Kidding! Congratulations! Hope you feel good.
AudreyO said…
Wow, I'm impressed, practicing for a marathon while caring for so many kids and one on the way. I so love the t-shirt.
rachel said…
Hurray!!!! So exciting!! :D