In just one day . . .

Thing two spilled water all over the floor twice, got into my purse, pulled out all my photography props, and left a trail of cracker crumbs throughout two rooms (crackers she wasn't supposed to be into).

Thing one snuck into her brother's room and dumped out several bins of Legos, then got into our family's rock collection, and got into the family's art supplies.

Thing two took off her diaper and sat on the floor with a poopy bum, ripped up two books, squeezed her baby sister too tight, screamed at all of us, and dumped out several drawers of her sister's clothes.

Thing one was found to be hiding six of thing two's pacifiers in her room, refused to let thing two play with her, and then cut her own hair twice.

These two . . .
. . . are keeping me humble.

Why can't they just play nicely with their toys?

And why does it have to rain all day in the spring?


Natalie said…
Love it...I could probably write a similar post about twice a week! They sure are cute, though=)
3in3mom said…
I bet you were hoping just like the thing one and two on cat and the hat that there was a magic mess machine.

Hang in there--you are an awesome Momma and they are lucky for your love.
John said…
Love those fun days. Things are a little calmer here most days now because thing 1 has calmed down a mite and thing 2 is only 3 months, but I am in HUGE trouble next year. I am sure Joshua will be Joseph's faithful apprentice.
Cheryl said…
Christina! Here's my comment. I love your blog, and now I wish I had found it years ago. :)
Maryanne said…
Oh, I'm sorry, though I'm glad to know mine are not alone in their crazy behavior.
Amber said…
I hear you, and seriously like my husband said this morning-- I didn't know we lived in Seattle. It would really help me and all these little kids if we could get outside more than once or twice a week!!!!
Unknown said…
And that's why God made our kids cute when they're this age! I wrote a post on my blog about my Goldie dumping an ENTIRE Sam's Club size bottle of syrup on the floor of our van when she was younger ... my biggest regret is that I didn't take pictures. Somehow I can laugh in retrospect, but not so much in the moment -- thanks for the post reminding me (again) to find the humor. :)
Cynthia said…
Good thing they have sweet angel faces! Most days I just have to remind myself that it will get easier...they will grow up (but then I will wish they were little again) I call mine Mischief and Mayham :)
Unknown said…
I just found your blog and I'm really enjoying it. All your children are beautiful and look just like each other. We have twins too but not identical. Still, I'm asked how I tell them apart. Pretty funny.