Just a Drive By

I've been neglecting this blog. After catching up from vacation, life has picked up speed. The hours I'm spending running (11 miles total last week, 9.5 the week before, with the longest run being 4 miles) and watching my eating better are paying off (I'm down about 8 lbs!) but it's taking most of whatever "free" time I can cull together. I'm actually finding I don't hate running anymore and while it's challenging to be increasing in intensity, what's most challenging of all is finding the time to do it without interruptions.

I imagine it will only get busier as my runs get longer. Please be patient with me if my blog's a little slow the next ten weeks. I keep starting posts I really want to finish, but life interferes.

I'll leave you with a picture of one of Katie's endearing traits: she sucks on her right hand ring finger. She hasn't had a pacifier since November, and while fingers are a tougher habit to break (I have one child who still sucks a thumb well into the elementary school years), it's so cute.


Natalie said…
Good job! Though I do miss your longer posts, it's motivating to hear about your progress. Good luck!
Maryanne said…
Good job with your running and eating habits (sometimes for me having to think outside my regular patterns seems more energy than the exercise!). Love the picture of Katie. Eli does that, but usually with 2 or 3 fingers and he's almost 3!
Tiffany Wacaser said…
Congratulations on your hard work! That is so important. I imagine as you become more experienced watching your food and eating habits, you'll have more time. But for now, we'll miss you!