. . . but so little time to tell it with. I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head, but life has been even busier than usual lately, so I'll be short with words and long on pictures.
(This is the the blanket Katie was blessed in. It was made by my grandmother, Velda Olson, for her children's blessing days. My mother was blessed in it. I was blessed in it, and each one of my children have been blessed in it.)
Katie's dress will soon join her sibling's blessing outfits on the wall of the nursery:
It is an amazing thing to feel the presence of God in your life. I feel full to overflowing and I am grateful.
We've had tons of family in town, including my brother and his family from Texas. I've only met two of his six kids before, so it was a wonderful blessing to meet the other four and get reacquainted with his family. I took these pictures of his family last week (want some for yourself? Check out my photoblog and email me to schedule a shoot!).
To celebrate with us several wonderful blessings.
#1 These two girls turned SIX on Friday
#2 Michael was baptized on Saturday. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe that baptism is essential for salvation, and that it is a covenant between us and God. When a child reaches the age of eight, he is old enough to be accountable for his actions and to covenant with God to remember Jesus Christ and to follow Him always. After his baptism, Michael had hands laid on his head and received the gift of the Holy Ghost, to guide him in his life. I have never attended a baptism without feeling God's Spirit there, and Michael's baptism was especially meaningful to me.
(with our adopted Hawaiian ohana)
#3 Katherine Alice was blessed on Sunday.
Her dad gave her a beautiful blessing, telling her that the gifts and talents she'd brought with her to this earth would help bring peace to a troubled world and that she would learn of God's plan for her life and never doubt her Heavenly Father's love. The words of a priesthood blessing are not chosen beforehand, but inspired by God in the very moment they are given, and I always feel a special connection to God as He reveals His will in these special moments.
Heaven felt very close on Sunday as I contemplated the beautiful blessing it was to receive Katherine into our family. On the first Sunday of every month, after partaking of the sacrament in Church, the time is left open for members to bear testimony of Christ as they feel inspired to do so. I bore my testimony of God's abundant blessings in my life. Among other things, I said, "I've been thinking lately of all the things I do for my children that they don't even recognize, appreciate or remember. It made me realize that there is so much that Christ has done for me that I don't recognize, appreciate or remember. I am grateful for His atonement and His love."
I also spoke of my heritage and the sacrifices made by many generations. My parents and grandparents put so much love and work into their efforts of raising their children, and I realize that I am the next link in that great chain of generations. I sometimes feel alone as I deal with the overwhelming task of raising these children, but I know that I am following a path that many have tread before me.
Can you repost/explain how you made the risers for your washing machine and dryer?
We get a new dress each time. I have them all displayed on a clothesline on the wall of the nursery. I just edited my post and added a picture.
As for the risers for the washer and dryer, my husband made them. They are tall enough to make moving the clothes easy for me, and wide enough baskets in between the 2 x 4 s. They aren't really made of anything special, just 2 x 4s and plywood. You can see a picture of them in this post: http://handsfullmom.blogspot.com/2006/12/eliza-was-blessed-at-church-yesterday.html I don't think we even used much of a plan, just measured and decided how tall and wide they needed to be. Hope that helps.
But we don't have any baby blessings coming up. BUT, your little girl is so gorgeous!! Love the dress!!
I love your blessing outfits hanging up!!
My husband has my camera right now, so I just dug out a picture from a few years ago. the picture was taken before Harmony was born.
Someday, I should post more of a tour of my cool house. =)
thank you for that by the way.
it looks like it was a really busy weekend for you. how neat... baptisms, visitors, baby blessings... how sweet.