Two Cute Girls (Wordless Wednesday)

Harmony's hard to get pictures of lately. She moves quickly and barely glances at the camera. But I love this shot with her looking toward the window. Eliza is not much better at looking at the camera, but she sits still longer and she has the most expressive face.


bjahlstrom said…
Your children really are beautiful. I love your photography.
What cute pictures! How are you doing? I noticed you have about five more weeks to go! I always thought it was nice when I got down to one hand. Are you feeling well?
Michelle said…
what cuties! hope your last month-ish goes quickly! (my niece is in the hospital--she is expecting twins & they want her to make it to week 34--10 more days)
Janet said…
Dear Christina,

I don't know if you remember me. I'm Holly Line (Prows) mom, Janet. Holly and Jennifer were best friends & we were in your ward in Meridian. Holly just now shared your blog with me. Congratulations! I had 8 children and the oldest was 11.5 yrs. when the baby was born. Isn't it wonderful? I know your life is so busy...but full of joy and happiness. Please say "hello" to your mother for me. Janet Line-Jones.