Sometimes I wish (Wordless Wednesday)

Sometimes I wish my kids were always well-mannered. I wish they wouldn't make weird faces. Or harass people they've just met and give them raspberry kisses (we call them "zurburts") Sometimes I wish they'd eat neatly. and most of all, I wish they would smile for the camera so I could get a lovely picture of them all together, the picture of sibling harmony. But I guess that wouldn't be nearly as much fun, would it?


bjahlstrom said…
That is seriously hilarious. I love the last picture! Not one smiling neatly at the camera!
Natalie said…
I love the "harass people they've just met" picture and caption...this is a VERY common sight at our house when my sisters bring over their new boyfriends. It's a good test, I guess. If they can't handle kids, probably don't want to join this family.
Stacey said…
Nope, definitely not as much fun!! Too cute!
Maryanne said…
That first picture really, really reminds me of Aaron. I must have seen him make that face once. My kids love new adults and love to mob them. I'm glad to know we're not alone!
Kim said…
Very cute! We call them zurberts too. I put some pictures of our trip on my blog last night if you want to see them.
alligood said…
Very, very cute post! :)
Best wordless Wednesday ever! I could never get the Google account to work, but I had to try it one more time, just so I could tell you how hard my husband and I laugehd at those photos! For some reason, my kids didn't think they were as funny. They just looked puzzled... :D
Mommy Matters said…
I love it! Great job catching "real life!!"
Such a cute family and what good memories.