And I'm really happy about it. The baby is healthy and beautiful, with two arms, two legs, a beautifully beating heart, and . . .
she is definitely a girl!
We're absolutely thrilled. We just had four girls in four years, and I love having all of them grow up together. Adding one more to their happy group is exciting, and I'm even crossing my fingers hoping number nine is ALSO a girl, just so we can even out the numbers a bit. I'm also a bit relieved. When the twins were born, I had a hard time switching from crooning names like "buddy" and "kiddo" over to "sweatheart" and "princess." I was a bit worried that I'd have the same problem switching back, especially since I've had almost six years of princesses. The bows and frills and pink and purple will get at least one more use, and I won't have to worry about switching out the ponies and dolls for a few more years yet. And I don't mind waiting a bit longer to have a Benjamin.
I mean, really, who wouldn't be excited to have one more of these?

I have no ideas on names yet, though. Our only rule so far has been that the baby can't have the same initial as a sibling, so that rules out names that start with L, J, M, A, S, E, and H. We like more traditional names, but also want it to mean something. Any suggestions?
she is definitely a girl!
We're absolutely thrilled. We just had four girls in four years, and I love having all of them grow up together. Adding one more to their happy group is exciting, and I'm even crossing my fingers hoping number nine is ALSO a girl, just so we can even out the numbers a bit. I'm also a bit relieved. When the twins were born, I had a hard time switching from crooning names like "buddy" and "kiddo" over to "sweatheart" and "princess." I was a bit worried that I'd have the same problem switching back, especially since I've had almost six years of princesses. The bows and frills and pink and purple will get at least one more use, and I won't have to worry about switching out the ponies and dolls for a few more years yet. And I don't mind waiting a bit longer to have a Benjamin.
I mean, really, who wouldn't be excited to have one more of these?

I have no ideas on names yet, though. Our only rule so far has been that the baby can't have the same initial as a sibling, so that rules out names that start with L, J, M, A, S, E, and H. We like more traditional names, but also want it to mean something. Any suggestions?
The name that I think could be good is Pauline. Is means small and humble.
So glad the ultrasound was healthy!
Audrey :-)
Julia (or Julianna)
There is Diana, not Diane don't worry, I'm not vain, she was the goddess of the hunt, but she was also an emblem of chastity.
And there is Deborah, one of the great women of the Bible. She led the people out of bondage by organizing an army and leading it! Love it! I think her name means "mother of Isreal."
There is Rachel. Her name means "daughter" though and that might be a little boring for you.
This is fun! Want more? LOL!
Kathryn(kate or Katie)
I'm very excited for you.
Good luck on finding a name.