Trophy Mom

Allison brought home some stickers from kindergarten the other day.

"Here, Mommy, you can have one because you're such a good mommy!" I wore it proudly on my shirt.

Thirty minutes later, Allison was in trouble and lost some of her tickets (our discipline system). "You're a MEAN mommy!" she yelled at me, "And now, you have to give the sticker back!"


alligood said…
So did you give the sticker back? LOL!
Ahh, your fame was so short lived!! But don't fear, tomorrow she will think you are great again. :-)
lol kids are so cute! I wont be able to come on Friday, I was planning on it but I forgot I made a doc appt that day, so next time!
That's hilarious! I'm currently too mean of a mommy to let me kids call me mean (I'm also pretty sure the day is fast approaching that they'll figure it out!). Love the fall pictures, too...autumn just makes me happy....
Aislinn said…
LOL...she's a funny girl! We had to ban calling Mommy mean...some of my kids were abusing the "privilege".
Handsfullmom said…
For the record, we don't allow the kids to call mommy mean either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen!

And I would have given the sticker back, but it had fallen off by then.
Tiffany Wacaser said…
Once Josef told me he was trading me in for a new mommy. When I asked him who would be his new mommy, he said "Grandma!" Well, at least he could count on her love.
Ambrosia said…
Now that is a great story. Kids are funny.
Jacki said…
I'm so glad children forgive easily too. I hope you're feeling well!!
Are you okay?? It has been awhile since you wrote. How are you feeling? Getting over morning sickness yet?