
So . . . I know there are people reading this blog. Some of you even make my day and leave me comments!

Next week, I'd love to do a post where I respond to any questions you have for me. Ask me anything -- how I feel about world peace, why I picked my kid's names, how many kids we want, how we handle discipline issues, or even if I'm crazy (I'm used to that last one!). I don't promise to answer everything, but I'll try. I'd like to make my blog more interesting for my readers, but I don't know what interests you unless you tell me.

By the way, I hesitated
to write this post, because what if no one responds? That might be embarrassing! But here I am, going out on a limb, so maybe you could meet me halfway and leave a comment or a question?


Dina said…
Hi Christina! I'll ask! :)

So, as my kids get older and busier (I have a high schooler and middle schooler now), I physically can't be in as many places as I need to be with them and my younger kids. There are times that are less than ideal. Little boys eating sandwiches in the car for the 3rd night in a row as we drive to baseball games, or just wanting to stay and watch my high schooler practice with her dance team, but I have to drop off and run because the little boys need me, etc. I know that you don't have your kids in sports or a lot of outside activities. What if they show interest? Will that change? As you have more children and can't clone yourself, how will you manage to meet everyone's needs?

I ask this because when my kids were smaller, I would never have limited my family size based on time/attention, thinking I could make it work. Now that I have older children, I think 4 or 5 would be about all I could manage. (I have 4, as you know.)

Any thoughts?
I like Dina's question. This is something my husband and I talk about a lot. Even if each child only did one music activity and one sport or other activity that adds up to a lot of activities with a large family. (We have six kids). How do you decide what activities to have children in, especially when they have an interest or a talent in a specific area?
Also, do you homeschool your children or send them to public school and why?
Thanks. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Sandi said…
I would love to know you opinion on President Obama and his plans for the future of America.
Unknown said…
Do you have any good advice for someone with a 2-year-old and expecting twins soon?
Katie said…
How did you come about having a large family? Did you always know you'd have so many so close, or was it something that kind of happened? What is the age difference in your kids, what's the easiest age span, the most difficult, and do you think those qualifications have more to do with months or with specific personalities? I know you plan on more babies, but is there a certain magic number at which you'll say 'enough!'? How will you know when you're done?
alligood said…
Both of my questions were already asked (by Dina and Katie - Twinstuff moms, UNITE!!)

Anyhow, my first is Dina's question on how you manage to get everywhere you need to be for all your children. Even if activities are limited, there are still school functions, church activities, etc..... that might be for one child/age group and not the others. I guess I'm feeling a little like my world was rocked with the addition of sweet Audrey and I am really struggling to balance the needs of my toddler/newborn with my 11, 8, and 6 year olds. Help, please!!!

Secondly, I know you plan on more babies, but have you ever felt 'done'? What if you did? Do you have a magic number? I ask this because I felt very strongly that we were 'done' after Jake. My body had a very difficult time with the pregnancy, and my husband and I both felt pretty strongly that Jake was our caboose. Fast forward to Audrey. She was such a surprise to us! Now, though, we can't imagine our life without her! I feel very much like she was meant to join our family. Now, I still feel very much like our family is complete, but I worry that there are more babies meant to come to our family, KWIM? Once I am pregnant and even more so once they get here, they feel so RIGHT and I am trying to reconcile the fact that we are done, with the fact that I know any other's that came would fill a void in our family that I didn't know we had......
Hmmmmmm, long questions! Sorry about that!
The Depews said…
Did you always know you wanted such a large family? Have you and your husband ever disagreed on "the right number?" If so, how did you work through it?

After your first set of twins it must have crossed your mind when you were thinking about more children that you could have more multiples. If you had a choice would you want another set of multiples or is one set of twins more than any sane person needs? :)

What is the biggest challenge you face with large family? I can imagine the logistics are daunting - finding cars big enough to fit everyone, figuring out how to get everyone where they need to be and when, cooking, cleaning, finding the time to get it all done, while still having a little time for yourself, too.

What will you do when they are all grown up and off raising their own families?
Wow! I was going to leave a question, but after reading all the ones you have been asked already I think I will just wait to read your responses to those questions and then maybe have a few follow up ones. :-)
Jacki said…
There's lots of good questions.. but I'm also curious how you fit time to blog and read?!! And how do you read without falling asleep (not from a boring book, but becasue you must be tired!)? LOL!
rachel said…
Hi Christina,
Rachel here, I've been reading for a while but havn't commented yet, sorry... I'm pretty good once I get started. I love hearing how people go about picking their children's names. Are any you've chosen ones you've liked since you were young?
What I really like about your blog is the postive way you talk about your children, you say such nice things about them, & it's really refreshing!

Take care,
Rachel :)
Lana said…
I love this idea. I would like to know your kids chore list.=)
Amber said…
what kind of car do you have?
I have a question, its something I am trying to figure out how to do with Sammy. How do you dicepline or teach boundries to a child who is too young to understand or do time outs? Ex a 1 year old boy who laughs when you say no...Thanks!
Tiffany Wacaser said…
I want to know how and if you ever manage naps during the daytime for yourself.
Weston & Jennie said…
I will be checking back next week to read all of the answers. I think it will be very interesting reading.
Ritsumei said…
What a fun idea! I didn't read all your answers this evening, but I liked what I did read.