Rearranging Blogger

It took me a few tries with various tutorials, some of which were complete failures, to find a way to hide the snake pictures after a "Read more" link below (I didn't want people TOO grossed out by my blog). For those who are interested in trying to install a hack like this on your blog, here's the tutorial I used.

And a while back, I went from a two-column blogger to a three-column layout using this tutorial. I also tried several other tutorials with no success.

Neither fix is particularly easy, but there you go.


Wendy said…
What dimensions did you do your header?? I've been having such a hard Trial and Error attempt at trying to get just the right size. I like the size of yours, and wonder if you could tell me what the numbers are... I love the three column blogs... that's what I've just switched mine back to, and I like it a lot more.