Simplifying Bed Sheets

Washing and dealing with bedding can take a lot of time. To simplify things around here, we do the following:

1. Except for my oldest daughter, age 9, we only use fitted sheets and mattress pads plus blankets on our children's beds. It simplifies daily bed-making considerably, as all that's needed is to either spread the blanket over the bed or fold it and place it at the foot of the bed. It also takes up a lot less room in the washer to wash a child-sized quilt or blanket rather than a bulky comforter.

2. We wrap our mattresses like a cocoon, with layer after layer of waterproof mattress pad and fitted sheets. I stocked up on washable waterproof mattress pads last time they were 60% off at Shopko (make sure you buy the washable kind; I've had some that fell apart in the dryer, even on low heat), and recently bought lots of nice fitted sheets for $1.99. On one son's bed right now, I have 5 layers!

This way, when it's time to wash the sheets, I only have to peel off one fitted sheet and one pad to wash, leaving a new set underneath clean and ready to go. Believe me, when a child throws up in the middle of the night, the last thing you want to do is tussle around putting new sheets on their bed.

One mom I know swears by buying only white sheets for all her beds so that she can bleach them and make them last longer, but I've yet to try that tip!


3in3mom said…
awesome idea--
Nickie said…
I have a confession here. We still don't use top sheets. It was a pain when kids where little and hubby pulls them out at the bottom so I said no more. There was more peace after that.
That is such a great idea! I will be totally adopting this technique!
Ooooh, you're smart! Great ideas, as always!!! I love your header with the cute pics, too! BTW, how do you get 3 columns on your blog? Kim has that, too, but they're the only ones I've seen like that.
PS Thanks for the Disney tips - they worked great!
Jenn said…
Hi, I found your blog by googling something about large families. I felt compelled to write because we have very similar families. I have 7 kiddos and my oldest in 9. My twins are fraternal and I have 5boys and 2 girls. My second is even named Joseph! We're Catholic, but a very good friend of mine is LDS and I've learned a lot about it and find we have similar values there as well.

Anway, I don't blog anymore but you can see a few pics at

Oh, and we have the same refrigerator. Don't you just love it!

alligood said…
I like that idea! Do you have any bedwetters? If you do, how well does your system work? I've always done this with my crib sheets - I have 3 sheets and 3 waterproof pads layered, but I haven't ever thought about using that system for my older boys beds. Awesome!
Lisa6Kids said…
We do the same thing with just a sheet and then blankets. I am going to cocoon our beds tonight! That is so smart!!
Sara said…
Great Idea.
I will be totally adopting this technique.
Thanks for share.
I have new Bed sheets. Recently i buy Bed sheets from
This site have huge collection of latest Bed Sheets.