I'm tired

There's piles of stuff everywhere, left over from our trip last week.

The sink is overflowing with dirty dishes and the floor is covered with little bits of cereal and goldfish crackers.

There's mountains of laundry to fold.

I'm hosting two events this weekend, so I've got to get the floor mopped and the bathrooms cleaned.

Today's the day I'm supposed to finish and submit the last 30 pages of the yearbook.

I drove the twins to their preschool only to realize that it was canceled today.

I have our neighborhood preschool at my house tomorrow and Thursday. It's O week so I think I'll do something about the Ocean, but I haven't prepped for it yet.

There's a book on hold for me at the library that I have to pick up today or it goes back on the shelves.

I want to get out the kids' spring clothes and shorts this week.

I have to get over to the records office and get Lillian's birth certificate so she can fly to Chicago with her dad next week.

We're out of milk.

I stayed up too late last night and I wish I could go back to bed.

But I can't. Even if I didn't have four little girls who need my attention, there's too much to do and no one else to do it. So I'm going to stop feeling sorry for myself and get to it. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said…
Sounds like a monday! Good Luck I hope you survive. I am home all day if you need me to run an errand for you let me know.
Anonymous said…
Sorry it's Kristen from the ward.
Michelle said…
I SOOO hear you!!!

Isn't motherhood wonderful! :)

I feel the same way so often, but somehow everything gets done.

Thinking of you.
Wendy said…
So now reading this one, I don't feel so bad. But I should take your advice and just get to it.
I wish my kitchen was that clean already. It didn't seem to take you too long to get it that way. Good luck with all the other things you have to do as well.
3in3mom said…
Wow, sorry--sounds like my Monday. kinda (long story)
I wish I had read this earlier I would have come over and helped!! I hope you survived everying, I have been crazy cleaning today myself.
Tiffany Wacaser said…
I'm sorry. I'm sending you prayers and good thoughts that you can get to your mountains of work to do.
Meradith said…
I am right next door! You need to call me to come over and fold laundry with you. Honest!!