Please reassure me this won't be a disaster . . .

Tomorrow, we're getting our family pictures taken. I'm so worried it's going to be a disappointment; that my kids won't look at the camera or will pull one of their cheesy smiles or worse, that one of them will start sulking. Our cousin Toni is an amazing photographer, but I don't know if the kids will cooperate. The last time we had our family picture taken, we went to a studio and tried to simplify it by making the appointment for right when it opened so there wouldn't be any waiting around. We had them keep the same background through the whole thing and we didn't even change poses that much. They took over a dozen photos and I was very excited to see them, thinking surely there would be at least one where we all looked good. Nope! We had lots where most everyone looked great except for the two or three children who didn't. The picture we finally settled for is this one: Great, isn't it? Just don't look too close, or you'll notice Michael has a weird look on his face, Joey's grin is more of a grimace, DH looks very stiff, and Eliza isn't smiling. And this was the best one. Is it any wonder I'm worried about tomorrow? If you'll notice the pictures of everyone from our vacation, it is rare for everyone to be looking at the camera or even paying attention. So this afternoon, I took Allison, Sarah, and Eliza outside to "practice" looking at the camera and smiling. I took a ton of pictures and ended up with just three that I liked. I hope we get better luck tomorrow or I might just have to take a couple of the pictures and photoshop the kids in.
Allison & Sarah (Sarah picked up a pretty rock and wouldn't put it down for the photos):
Just Allison (I tried to get some of just Sarah but none turned out well):
And the picture that was worth the whole photoshoot . . . Eliza, Sarah, and Allison


3in3mom said…

I know your worry. I would do your family any day over the one I did last weekend!!!! I'm sure it'll be good. I can't wait to see them and I'm sure that if nothing else you'll have a memorable experience.

Good luck--will be thinking of you.

Wendy said…
Oh that one of Allison!!! It's so GOOD! I also really love the one with the three girls. We need to get a new family picture taken but I'm nervous too!! I just need to have everyone's clothes that coordinate clean and ready to use at the same time. That alone can be quite challenging. Well good luck with everything.
Wendy said…
What you should say -- okay this was an afterthought of my first comment -- but you know how all kids like to look goofy, tell them to do (#??) good and then we'll do a big silly one at the very end. And a bribe for ice cream might work too. I'm curious to know how they'll turn out.
Katie said…
It's so difficult to get a good picture of everyone at the same time. I suggest taking along a goofy older cousin or uncle if one's handy, and having him stand behind the photographer to make everyone laugh. That way the smiles are genuine, and everyone is looking at the same spot. Good luck!
Lindsay Ruiz said…
I have the worst luck with family photos and is one of those experiences in life that raise my blood pressure. The photo on my blog is from round two. We did another shoot two days before and it didn't work. Watch out for bribes they can turn around and bite you. Once Sophia figured out we had candy corn in our pockets that's all she was worried about. We also practiced our different poses in the mirror so we didn't waste time trying to figure that out there. The kids seem to last about 5 minutes. Once I paid $50 just for a sitting fee and I cried when we came out of there because I thought I had wasted my money. The less the investment the more you can relax. Oh, and now a days they can face swap, which I'm going to try on a few of ours. The magic of computers and photoshop! Good luck and I wish you all the best.