Despite Eliza's love for Harmony, there have been a lot of changes since her birth, including the loss each day of her three favorite people as they rush off to school. Eliza also cries when her dad goes anywhere. This poor girl feels like she's being left behind.
Sometimes I wonder how this child can be so different from our others. None of my other children were so clingy and fearful. Nope, independence to an extreme has been my lot in life, up until now. And honestly, after experiencing two strong-willed two-year-olds, Eliza has been a breath of fresh air. I can take her places and she'll stay by my side. We've never had to take her out in the hall when we go to Church. She loves to be held and carried around, and I don't worry about what crazy thing she'll do next. Do you know how nice that is?
And despite her bewilderment at the world since Harmony's birth, Eliza adores her baby sister. She has a beautiful way of saying, "HAR - mony!" in a singsong voice and she hasn't shown a single sign of jealousy when I'm holding or feeding Harmony. She gets upset when I'm holding Allison or Sarah and tries to push them off my lap, but I can hold and feed and talk to Harmony, and she's all smiles and excitement. Let's hope it lasts!
I like your backgrounds and think I'll give one a try, but not tonight, I'm too tired and would probably mess up my Thanks!