Growing up and looking back . . .

Harmony is growing up way too fast! She's quick with a smile, loves to be held and rocked, and she likes to look around when we put her on her tummy. She's been rolling from front to back for about a month and just this week started rolling from back to front. We'll be blessing her in Church next Sunday, and she's two weeks shy of 3 months old. The time flies! I look at this picture of her on her tummy and it brings back memories -- Since the twins, I have always thought a single baby on a blanket always looks a bit lonely. Below is one of my all-time favorite videos of the twins.


Lois B said…
What a fantastic video! THey are so fascinated with each other. Loved the smile on their faces when they first saw each other.
Lois B said…
What a fantastic video! THey are so fascinated with each other. Loved the smile on their faces when they first saw each other.
Wendy said…
What an experience!! That's the only way I'll ever get to see what it's like. Because I highly doubt I'll ever have twins.
Shandy said…
Harmony IS growing up already!!
and that video of your twins was oh so precious!!!