Awards Time

The Gorgeous Award . . .

goes to Harmony Anne. Isn't she beautiful? It never ceases to amaze me that I can love my fifth, sixth, and seventh child as much as I loved my first. There's just something so pure and wonderful about a newborn.

The Ugly Award . . .

goes to Joey's catch this morning. Isn't this the ugliest carp you've ever seen? Ick! One of the great things about living in a neighborhood with lots of older folks is the interest they take in my kids. One nice neighbor took Joey and DH fishing twice this week.


3in3mom said…
I agree--Harmony is beautiful. Amazing how each of our children have their own unique perfectness. Joey sure got a big one--and he can show the tale--instead of just tell a BIG one. ;0)
Dave and Becky said…
What a beautiful baby. Congratulations! Glad you are both (and all!) doing so well. I am sure the kids are thrilled!