Backpacking . . .

Lillian, Joey, and Allison are out backpacking with their dad this weekend. I think he's mighty brave, especially to bring a 4-year-old along! They left yesterday, so I've had a quieter day with just 3 kids to take care of. Allison was so thrilled to be going on "her trip" this time (her twin Sarah went along to California last month).

So, with all my gobs of time (yeah, right), I got another paper pack done:

Isn't it pretty?


3in3mom said…
Sounds like Aaron has been having some fun and your "just three time" makes my daily life with three look like not much ;0) I'm glad you are getting these little breaks before your little sweetie comes in a couple weeks.
kacy faulconer said…
It is pretty. I've got to get caught up on my scrapbooks. . . maybe there's something you can do to help. (Like teaching me digital!)