Ultrasound confirmed this morning that we have 10 fingers, 10 toes, two arms, two legs, a four-chambered heart, healthy lips, healthy brain, and NO . . . well, you get the point. She's definitely a girl! We're thrilled and excited, and look forward to our fifth girl and seventh child. The boys are definitely outnumbered around here. But Eliza gets her special sister close in age!


3in3mom said…
Too fun! Your intuition was right!

Congrats on a healthy baby and a sweet girl to match your other four. . .
Katie said…
kacy faulconer said…
I've been thinking of her as a girl this whole time because of your "mother's intuition" about it.

Now you need to write a post about what names you are thinking of.
Tiffany Wacaser said…
That's completely wonderful! Congrats!
dietmom said…
Hooray! I'm so glad you're having a girl! We're in Indiana now near family--but sure miss getting together! Hands full is definitely the right title! Way to GO!