It's a . . . Baby!

Yep, Lucky #7 is on her way -- I think it's a girl but won't know for another few months. I'm due August 13, which seems like a great time to have a baby. It's been a while since I've posted anything on this blog, and I'd like to change that and start posting more. I've gotten a lot of comments on the size of my family, and a lot of "how do you do it?" questions. I don't think I'm an expert by any stretch, but I do feel a sense of organized chaos and happy momentum in raising my family. So perhaps I'll talk a bit more about how to have your hands full and love it (mostly).

But about this baby. Yes, we're excited and thrilled. The twins, at 3 1/2, are becoming much easier to raise, and Eliza is such a happy-go-lucky 15 month old, I'm looking forward to another baby in the house. Plus, with her birth in August, she'll be just a year apart from Eliza in school. I imagine this little gal and Eliza becoming best of friends and really being close. Though just a few months over 2 years apart, Eliza will start school three years after the twins, which I think is a somewhat big span, plus Allison & Sarah will always be best of friends, leaving Eliza on the outside a lot. I'm glad this little one will have a sister close in age.

I keep saying "she" because I think she is a little girl, but I suppose she could be a he. I'm 12 weeks along now, so I'm still feeling awful, but I figure sometime in the next 2 or 3 weeks I'll be feeling much better.

Oh, and for those of you who are counting, this will make 7 kids in 9 years.


alligood said…
Congratulations! You are so blessed!
April J. said…
Congratulations! You have a beautiful family.
Carol said…
Christina, you made it through the twins at two! Yeah! :) I know the years that were the most challenging with our twins were from 2 to 4, so you're almost there. :) Congratulations on your newest blessing.
kacy faulconer said…
I'm glad you finally have a due date. Congratulations!
Katie said…
Congratulations! I hope your pregnancy is happy and healthy!