I think I'll need a new signature and Blog Title. . .

because it looks like our family will no longer consist of 5 in 5 years! Yep, that's right, #6 decided to make an appearance and I'm due November 3rd! We're thrilled and excited, especially the kids. Lillian's been poring over our baby name books (Clifford, anyone?) and Joey's been asking me all sorts of questions about the new baby.

But as to the question of a signature -- 6 in 7.5 years just doesn't sound as neat. Any suggestions?


Unknown said…
congratulations...you could do half a dozen keeps me runnin =o)
JeanellePaige said…
Congrats! I like 'pregnant 80% of the time', LOL!
Anonymous said…
Congrats, Christina! Wow! Half a dozen in 7.5 years!!! My goodness girl, when do you ever get time to design??? I'll think about a new name for you, no ideas at the moment! The only thing coming to mind is if you go for 2 more you'll have enough for an 8 man football team!
Julie M.
Carol said…
Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I don't have any ideas at the moment, but I'm cracking up with the Pregnant 80% of the time one! Half a dozen keeps me runnin so SO cute too!
Anonymous said…
Congrats!!!! WOW!! how will you ever have time to scrap now??? Heidi
SaraAmarie said…
WOW!! How exciting! Congrats to your family. Babies and little ones are so very special!

I'm not very creative with names so I can't help ya there.
Anonymous said…
What wonderful news. I am thrilled for you and your "growing" family. LOL

When I think of you I always think of
"Heart full of LOVE" and I know yours is overflowing.

Congratulations and Hugs,
Carole N.
OMG! Congrats! I had a rough pregnancy with Cassidy -- i can't imagine it more than once hehe. Your hands are FULL that is for sure :P
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Six is a handful, but you are such a wonderful mom--they are lucky to have you.

Love, Chalice
Renee said…
This is so awesome Christina!! My congrats go out to you and your family!
Unknown said…
How wonderful Christina...congratulations! You must truly be meant to have lots of children. I don't know how you do it.

For your sig...are you into sports? With six, you'll have enough for a hockey team, including the goalie.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Christina!! That's wonderful news -- I'll put my thinking cap on for a name, lol!
Anonymous said…
how about a family of 8 in less than 8. . .

just an idea
Oh Christina!!! With TEARS welled up in my eyes ... CONGRATULATIONS darlin'!!! I am SO happy for you and your PRECIOUS family!

You will now be caught up with me!!!

I kind of like the idea of working with the FAMILY of 8, as opposed to just the 6 children, but I know that YOU will come up with a WONDERFUL new SIGGY for us to "OOOOO" and "AHHHHH" over!!!

Love and hugs,
Katie said…
Congratulations! How about Fillin' Up Our Dream House or Working on A Baker's Dozen?
Sandi said…
Anonymous said…
I love the Pregnant 80% of the time! That was hilarious!

Kerri said…
Christina, how AWESOME!!! I am blogging today and hadn't read anyone's blogs for a few days. CONGRATS!!! It sure is going around at 3S, isn't it??