Joey & Michael started preschool this week. I found a preschool my neighbor's daughter attends, so we carpool for it. I'm so excited to have the boys in the same class. I really debated putting Michael in at all -- he's just 3 1/2 -- but I decided it would be good for them to do this together and found a program that takes 3 & 4 year olds. They've had a blast with it this week -- Michael followed in Joey's shadow a bit, and he played the big brother role perfectly. They go for 2 hours 3 days a week. Yesterday, I went to pick them up and Michael came running over to me, "Mommy! Did you miss me?" Their other big excitement has been driving to preschool in my neighbor's jeep.
Today, they were supposed to bring something special to them for show and tell. Joey brought his lightsaber and his Jedi helmet. Michael brought his lightsaber, and his WOOBIES! I got a kick out of that. Evidently everyone took turns showing their things, and everyone did well.
I'm very proud of the way Joey has stepped into the big brother role the last little bit. Yesterday, we went to storytime at the library for first time this year. Michael is just now old enough to go to the separate storytime with the 3-5 year olds, but he was nervous about it. He told me he didn't want to go. Joey spoke up, "Michael, you can go with me! Don't you want to go with me?" He took his hand and led him right into the room. They sat together, then came out together. I'm so happy with Joey's support of Michael.
Allison & Sarah are so cute with each other. When they are not fighting, they are playing with toys, looking at books, chasing the kitty, and occasionally giving each other hugs and kisses. It is the sweetest thing in the world to see them laugh and giggle together.