
Yesterday, DH took the day off work and we all went to Lagoon, an amusement park north of Salt Lake. We had a fabulous time, and I was impressed with the children's behavior. Despite walking all over (we brought the double stroller instead of the triple) and being hot and tired, there were no complaints and no meltdowns. They had a great time going on all the little kids' rides and some big rides too. Lillian had one sad experience on a Mousetrap ride, when her sunglasses flew off as the roller coaster turned a corner. I took the three big kids on the Rattlesnake Rapids ride, and I was surprised that even Lillian was brave enough to go on it. Michael cried about how scared he was right up until the moment the ride left the platform, then he had a great time. Joey got the most wet and was thrilled by it, and I was a close second. We also spent a few hours in Lagoon-a-Beach, much to Sarah & Allison's delight. They had one pool where the water was up to the babes' waists, so we spent most of our time there while the kids went on nearby slides. Sarah held tight to me in the wading pool at first, but gradually ventured out a short distance away. Allison, true to form, left me immediately and even put her head under the water a few times trying to swim (I had to remind her "You can't breathe under water, babes" when she came up sputtering.) I also ran into a friend I'd met on an online Twins forum -- visiting her family from Chicago. We didn't have a long time to chat, but I did get a chance to see her four boys in person. What are the chances?


Anonymous said…
How amazing to meet your friend like that! It is a small world afterall. :0)